Chow Mein Beef

Between 6 and 12 months, a baby’s iron and zinc stores from birth start to diminish. It is therefore suggested to offer foods that contain iron, such as red meat, as one of your baby’s first foods. Iron is needed to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen around the body. It also plays an important role in brain development, growth and fighting infections. Animal foods, such as meat, liver, fish and chicken, are the best sources of iron and are most easily absorbed by the body. Iron from other sources, such as vegetables and cereals, are not as easily absorbed but are still important. Here we have a delicious beef recipe for the whole family, which is suitable from 8 months old, or if you are doing Baby Led Weaning you may choose to introduce earlier.

Chow Mein Beef

Chow Mein Beef

  • Suitable from: 8+ month old
  • Preparation time: 10 minutes
  • Cooking time: 20 minutes
  • Ingredients: 100g beef mince, ¼ onion, ½ garlic clove, ½ carrot, ½ tsp fresh ginger, 1 cup shredded cabbage, 15g green beans, pinch curry powder, 100g rice noodles, fresh coriander to serve.
  1. Peel and slice onion, carrot, beans into 1cm cubes.
  2. Peel and grate garlic and ginger.
  3. Place beef, carrot, cabbage, beans, onion, ginger, garlic and curry powder in the steamer basket of the Babycook.
  4. Fill the Babycook with water to level 3 and press steam button.
  5. While cooking, prepare rice noodles according to packet instructions and set aside.
  6. When cooked, place into the blending bowl while reserving the cooking liquid. Gently mix into chunks.
  7. Mix rice noodles with beef and vegies and serve with fresh coriander.

Et voila, bon appétit!

Chef’s tip

Freeze the leftovers and save for future meals!

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